"The most ubiquitous consumer item on Earth, the lowly plastic bag is an environmental scourge like none other, sapping the life out of our oceans and thwarting our attempts to recycle it."
According to this article, only 1 percent of plastic bags are recycled worldwide and more than a million birds and 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles die every year from eating or getting entangled in plastic.

How I wish somebody creates a cheap portable gadget with which we can feed these bags to fuse them together and create roof shingles or something. Or that someone creates a solar press to
create usable panels out of them. If any of you, dear readers, have the inclination and tools to achieve this, please do soon enough!
Perhaps, the manufacturers of these items should be mandated to integrate in them a simple plan of de-cycling. That is, to make them deconstruct into beneficial molecular components upon contact with soil or some chemical agent. Otherwise, they can last in a landfill anywhere between 50 and 1,000 years.
This was precisely how Daniel Burd, a 17-year-old from Waterloo, Ont., won the Canada Wide Science Fair's highest honor for finding a way to use bacteria to speed the decomposition of a plastic bag in a soil solution.
"Many Canadians have become accustomed to the "reduce, re-use and recycle" mantra, faithfully separating their aluminum, paper and plastic out of the garbage in order to decrease their personal waste.
...Recently, an Ontario science student appeared to have found the answer to ...one of the world's current great environmental conundrums."
So goes the report, the material of which, you can find here.
There are many technological promises for beating the menacing plastic bags, like:
However, are all of these high tech solutions, just a bunch of hot air? Or maybe they will cost too much? Or take too long to develop? Perhaps, they would need government help (in research). But the politicians might see no immediate concern for such.
For us, the common man, this is my suggestion:

By creating holes to form loops at the bottom of the bags, you can tangle these menace into an ever expandable plastic banner. It can then tangle easily, like our olden rubber band toys.
Now, twist and turn this plastic banner and it will tangle even more into a rope.
Here, without cumbersome machinations, you will create something that is universally in demand. Something you can use to create livestock fences, animal leash or what not. Perhaps it can help save lives in times of natural disasters.
Maybe even, you can braid these ropes with color coding schemes for use in those cute queuing guides. Or weave the color coded ropes or banners into a 21st century "bayong" - something like:

For added strength and to make it a child's play for people, why not require the plastic bag makers to embed the pre-designed bottom loop? It's easy enough for them and children can tangle them as easy as counting 1,2,3.
Perhaps teachers can adopt this suggestion so that, with the decorative ropes, they can make ornamental items. Maybe sell them and help indigenous children to earn money for new books.

Here is a sample I made to show you. >>
I believe, the plastic ropes can also be tangled into a net (like a giant fishing net). And the result can be laid down the slopes of hills which are susceptible to landslides. In between the gaps, plants with vigorous roots can be placed. These net of ropes can accommodate (or incorporate) drip irrigation tubes and cocunut husks for hydroponic farming when placed on rooftops of domed concrete buildings.
With provisions, tools and materials provided to the common folks, there's not really much limit to what these peeps can come up with:
... ciao and subscribe
Here's that wonderful "Tangle" movie music - "I See The Light":
If you find in this material, a potential for the welfare of the planet, kindly recommend this article using your facebook, twitter or via other means. We owe more than one to mother earth!
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