November 25, 2012
Tales from the Realms - Hostages
... continued
Every soul is immortal, but not all types of bodies into which souls inhabit are immortal.
Many of the Orionites were able to create and recreate bodies to inhabit for long periods of time, which compared to human bodies, can be considered immortal.
And even when they leave these bodies, they have facilities with which they evaded the Veil of Forgetfulness, reinserting their souls into remodeled bodies with memories intact.
Such were the case with the Orion elites and their forces which included the Anunnaki who rose to power in Tiamat/Nibiru.
Our story have so far revealed some dark angles on the character of Elohim descendant, Jehovah.
Let us be reminded however, that this story relates to a time-line which may be different to that which many holds.
The name Jehovah was derived form YHVH which has a beautiful meaning. YOD HE VAU HEH as the Hebrew spelling for the name Yahweh relates to the creative and life forces of the universe. These are the qualities of radiance, magnetism, vibration and matter. Another term for such elements are fire, water, wind and earth respectively.
In the same way YHSVH or Yahushua, the Hebrew spelling for Jesus: YOD HEH SHIN VOD HEH is meaningful. With the addition of the 5th element: Shin - meaning Akasha (the breath of life or consciousness), it is a marvelous name.
However names can be adopted by other persons who may not embody the meaning thereof.
We have encountered how the Jehovah forces waged war with the Anunnaki from Nibiru during the battle of Maldek. He was a fiery god, a jealous god, a god of conflict and violence, a war-like god personified by Mars or the Aries energies.
He himself was an Orionite, in the same way that the Elohim descendant, Anu, was an Orionite. And Elohim beings have had their own cosmic cycle of duality.
There were dark and light Elohim beings. And many of them became drunk with their own technological immortality that they forgot to go home to the Source.
In other words, most of the Elohim ascended after their cosmic cycle was finished. But some were left behind, lingering in the darkness of ego. Some of them fell, in the same way that it was said the Lucifer light being fell.
However, many ascended Elohim also returned to guide us and their fallen remnants. Many came back to inspire humans and their other descendants like the Pleiadeans, Arctuarians etc. And some even took on bodies of our realms, losing their memories in the process, in order to work from within the human races.
According to our Maldekan friend, Jehovah steered the wormwood comet that simultaneously pass by with Tiamat/Nibiru to create an inter-action of their tugging forces to influence the flooding mentioned in the Bible. He was trying to destroy Enki, Enlil and those of the Nibiruan Anunnaki who were on the planet at that time when Atlantis sunk.
However, the Anunnaki had inside information about this plan and they decided to let it happen for their own schemes.
Having been captured by the other Orion forces, the Anunnaki, he must have underwent torture. He could have been made addicted to human flesh because he later on, became a cannibalistic god on earth without the knowledge of most of his followers.
In fact, it was another Jehovan crew who reversed his command to a leader for the sacrifice of his own child.
At the time of Maldek, he was averse to Enki and Enlil and he decided to overturn them from within the system. He tried to meet fire with fire.
Later on, he tried to create his own followers but he was thwarted and his forces were scattered while the human followers were hijacked by the other Orionites.
We mentioned the Thiaoouba material, in the previous post. And per chance, the readers of these blogs may have read the Thiaoouba Prophecy material, we have to point out some things.
Certain caution and point of awareness presented when I read the said material. And the beauty of the author's experience as recounted in the said tale may mesmerize us to overlook these things.
The said material could relate to a shifted reality that is consistent with the story we learned from Mr. Mills. In other words, they can be the fallen angelic forces associated with the Jehovah we referred to.
The information that Mr. Mills could ferret out is limited to earth matters as his dimensional drone is not capable of exploring outside the domain of earth. However, here are somethings we can find out on the said material.
1. The Thaori
In chapter six and the following page, there were seven Thaori who apparently govern their planet. The said beings were always levitating in lotus position, so that Michael did not see their feet.
What if these beings have reptilian or serpent bodies?
The Chitauri tales told by Credo Mutwa can easily be shortened into "Tauri" or Thaori. Here is a statement by Credo:
"..when the Chitauri arrived in Africa they told our people that they were gods and that they were going to give us human beings great gifts on one condition. We had to worship them and accept them as our creators. Some told our people that they were our elder brothers and that this Earth had produced them generations ago. And they said they had come back to the green womb of their mother and that they were going to make us into gods."
In the first place, one would think, the true GOD creates gods when these beings individuated. Rework is a sign of initial design failure.
Even the faces of the said Thaori were many times, not very clear to Michael and they would always be covered or they would disappear in thick fog. What if these beings unknowingly extracted 'Loosh' from Michael. Note that the angelic beings who were with Michael were uncharacteristically glum when they brought him to the Thaori. And note also Michael's lost strength. He fainted after meeting them.
Loosh - another term for lifeforce/emotional/spiritual energy. Term coined by Robert Monroe in his astral voyages where, upon interacting with nonphysical entities, he learned this energy was called "loosh" and that mankind was being farmed for this energy.
Even before Michael was brought to the presence of the Thaori, he had premonitions about a reptile which has some motivations to devour him.
"A huge flame burned blue; orange yellow and red flames burned around it. An enormous black snake slid straight through the flames, heading for me. Giants appeared from nowhere, running, and trying to catch the snake. It took seven of them together, to stop it before it reached me...
The reptile became a comet and carried the statues off - to Easter Island... Next, they were greeting me, wearing strange hats..."
On their meeting, the Thaori aura at some point became dirty and dull. And towards the end, their images blurred and Michael felt Thao pinching his shoulder so hard as to shift his attention with force. That could have meant behind the fog, the Thaori shape-shifted in devouring Michael's astral energies.
2. Lationusi: black wing of a king
What kind of angel Lationusi is? Why would he have black wings?
A previous reincarnation of Lationusi was as the last King of the continent Mu on Earth. Was he serving as a spy who was brought to high status in Mu? Why didn't the Thiaooubans warn the Mu's kingdom about the impending doom? Where their technology incapable of detecting such?
And for that matter why have they not uplifted the early humanoid clone types that were lost in time warp on the Bermuda triangle portal? Why did they not help the planet Aremo X3 from nuclear annihilation?
They claimed they protected the chosen Jewry, are the other peoples not worth similar protections? I think Dr. Norman Finkelstein has more sense than Thao.
It is curious that Thao's aura became dull when he was telling a story about the so called chosen people. Was he mixing some misdirections or falsehood in that story?
Also, what if human flesh from the two mentioned places which were provided the Thaori for analysis become food? Apparently, creation of human bodies were reserved for the Thaori, so would they have various vats or containers of human body materials for experimentation?
3. Gold dust in atmosphere, Jesus (clone?) body and curious animals
Were the golden dusts in their atmosphere obtained from earth?
Now that they preserved the body of Jesus, what kind of body their so called Jesus have at present? Or could it be that Michael was just given a holographic hallucination (for the intended message he would write)?
Have they created a switcheroo during the time of the Christ? The following statement is curious, as it may imply that there is another Jesus:
"Jesus, who came from Thiaoouba, was taken by us into the desert..."
Also, the doko of floating bodies is weird. One description of a preserved body may look like this:
And why were weird animals like horses with human faces (that could be similar to the genetic animal hybridization that Atlantis conducted), be present on their planet?
There are some other points of curiosity in the said material. However, we can have many useful clues from there.
And as for Thao and the other angelic astronauts, the love there that's seeping on the pages of the fascinating story should not prevent us to take the story with our own grain of salt. And this is applicable to any and all materials we encounter. The most important thing is we take what can serve our own soul process, the light of which must grow from within (not by being followers).
We can just as well opine that these angelic astronauts are beings with cloned bodies and reprogrammed memories. They could even have been previously housed in bodies of the greys during the Semitic days.
It seems that the young generations on Earth are the target audience of Thiaoouba Prophecy material. And the story therein is not even a prophecy but it could be a subtle mind programming for a nuclear annihilation scenario.
It would have been more appreciated if they have provided better hints at expanding human's ability to discern, to have a better soul progress and deeper spiritual senses as to create heaven on earth.
We are living in a world of fools, the institutions are breaking us down when they all should let us be. We have to find a deeper love to guide us.
... to be continued
November 22, 2012
Tales from the Realms/Ouroboros - Spiritual Ocean
... continued
...Man, a perfect flame of this Cosmos,
shall move forward to a place in the stars.
Aye, shall move even from out of this space-time
into another beyond the stars.
shall move forward to a place in the stars.
Aye, shall move even from out of this space-time
into another beyond the stars.
Tablet XII: The Law of Cause and Effect
Such and more, is the grandeur of what Thoth have seen to be the future of man.
Why? Because, a human being is the essence of the Ultimate. We must have been from dimensions higher than the angels.
If that be the case, upon our graduation, we'll be a showcase of the power of Source to overcome darkness.
We are the courageous souls that traversed seven dimensions to have a total immersion in forgetfulness from divinity. Angels must have thought us to be fools, for we dared what they feared to tread.
Know ye, man,
ye are the ultimate of all things.
Only the knowledge of this is forgotten,
lost when man was cast into bondage,
bound and fettered
by the chains of the darkness.
ye are the ultimate of all things.
Only the knowledge of this is forgotten,
lost when man was cast into bondage,
bound and fettered
by the chains of the darkness.
Tablet IX: The Key to Freedom of Space
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, a channeled material, was credited to Hermes Trismegistus. Hermes, was a kind of Title of Attainment derived from an earlier person named Hermes. Thoth, the Atlantean was the acknowledged reincarnation of the original Hermes. The writer of the tablet was referred to as the third reincarnation.
His real name was Chequetet, Arelich, Volmalites, Chequetet being also a title, which means "the seeker of wisdom".
In the said record, Thoth was asking us to remember who we really are:
LIGHT is thine ultimate end, O my brother.
Seek and find ever the Light on the way.
Seek and find ever the Light on the way.
Tablet VIII: The Key of Mystery
Thoth discovered something within the nature of humanity:
Man is a star bound to a body,
until in the end,
he is freed through his strife.
until in the end,
he is freed through his strife.
However, we have to summon our inner star via our mortal existence:
Only by struggle and toiling thy
utmost shall the star within thee
bloom out in new life.
...Found I that man is but living in darkness,
light of the great fire is hidden within.
utmost shall the star within thee
bloom out in new life.
...Found I that man is but living in darkness,
light of the great fire is hidden within.
Tablet III: The Key of Wisdom
And what can be our heritage?
Know, O man, that Light is thine heritage.
Know that darkness is only a veil.
Sealed in thine heart is brightness eternal,
waiting the moment of freedom to conquer,
waiting to rend the veil of the night.
Know that darkness is only a veil.
Sealed in thine heart is brightness eternal,
waiting the moment of freedom to conquer,
waiting to rend the veil of the night.
Tablet VI: The Space Born
So then, let the light grow. Let love light the way and unstuck the spirit within. We are bound to find the wonders of life that was originally intended when Eden Earth, the paradise for human angels, was made manifest
We are individuals with similar but personally unique processes for growth. And the different cycles has different challenges and lesson therein.
Each consciousness in the cycle it exists in
follows its own path to the ultimate goal.
Each plays its part in the Plan of the Cosmos.
Each plays its part in the ultimate end.
The farther the cycle, the greater its
knowledge and ability to blend the Law of the whole.
follows its own path to the ultimate goal.
Each plays its part in the Plan of the Cosmos.
Each plays its part in the ultimate end.
The farther the cycle, the greater its
knowledge and ability to blend the Law of the whole.
Tablet XI: The Key To Above and Below
However, within this cosmic cycle there is a way to reconnect with the Source while we are still undergraduates.
Deep in Earth's heart lie the Halls of Amenti,
far 'neath the islands of sunken Atlantis,
Halls of the Dead and halls of the living,
bathed in the fire of the infinite ALL.
far 'neath the islands of sunken Atlantis,
Halls of the Dead and halls of the living,
bathed in the fire of the infinite ALL.
Tablet II: The Halls of Amenti
Deep in the hollow earth, the inner sun of the globe will provide the vibrations for renewal and regeneration of the soul.
...the mighty ones of Atlantis live and die,
but rather from aeon to aeon did they renew
their life in the Halls of Amenti where the river of life
flows eternally onward.
but rather from aeon to aeon did they renew
their life in the Halls of Amenti where the river of life
flows eternally onward.
Thoth, however, was physically given access to the hollow earth while yet alive.
A hundred times ten
have I descended the dark way that led into light,
and as many times have I ascended from the
darkness into the light my strength and power renewed.
have I descended the dark way that led into light,
and as many times have I ascended from the
darkness into the light my strength and power renewed.
There his body would be in a stasis of renewal and his awareness was allowed to take on a new incarnation or use the regenerated body to live on the surface again.
Aye, while I sleep in the Halls of Amenti,
my Soul roaming free will incarnate,
dwell among men in this form or another.
my Soul roaming free will incarnate,
dwell among men in this form or another.
Tablet I: The History of Thoth, The Atlantean
A special assignment was given to Thoth, via the endorsement of Horlet, the Dweller, a shining one, based within the hollow earth but dwelt in Undal, in Atlantis, observing and tutoring the young Thoth.
Then from his throne came one of the Masters,
taking my hand and leading me onward,
through all the Halls of the deep hidden land.
Led he me through the Halls of Amenti,
showing the mysteries that are known not to man.
Through the dark passage, downward he led me,
into the Hall where site the dark Death.
Vast as space lay the great Hall before me,
walled by darkness but yet filled with Light.
taking my hand and leading me onward,
through all the Halls of the deep hidden land.
Led he me through the Halls of Amenti,
showing the mysteries that are known not to man.
Through the dark passage, downward he led me,
into the Hall where site the dark Death.
Vast as space lay the great Hall before me,
walled by darkness but yet filled with Light.
He was presented to one of the Masters, the role of which was handling the death rites of humans. The master was described herein:
I, Death, come, and yet I remain not,
for life eternal exists in the ALL;
only an obstacle, I in the pathway,
quick to be conquered by the infinite light.
for life eternal exists in the ALL;
only an obstacle, I in the pathway,
quick to be conquered by the infinite light.
And this was what Thoth saw:
Before me arose a great throne of darkness,
veiled on it sat a figure of night.
Darker than darkness sat the great figure,
dark with a darkness not of the night.
Before it then paused the Master, speaking
The Word that brings about Life, saying;
"Oh, master of darkness,
guide of the way from Life unto Life,
before thee I bring a Sun of the morning.
veiled on it sat a figure of night.
Darker than darkness sat the great figure,
dark with a darkness not of the night.
Before it then paused the Master, speaking
The Word that brings about Life, saying;
"Oh, master of darkness,
guide of the way from Life unto Life,
before thee I bring a Sun of the morning.
Thoth was like a new bonafide convert or worker of the Light.
As a non-human, Enki died. Of what manner, we may not know for certain.
But here is a picture I was drawn to, when I tried to understand his death:
We are no Sitchin here, but in my understanding, he must have been invited by Enlil for reconciliation. He accepted the proposition and there was a feast or religious ceremony conducted for the reconciliation.
There in front of the gathering Anunnaki, within the altar of sacrifice, a lone nut emerged with a knife that can kill an immortal. Enki was assassinated and the lone nut was killed in the commotion.
Then the soul had a life review and was regenerated in the hollow earth's Halls of the dead.
That soul reincarnated as Hermes the first and he was tested within a mortal or semi-mortal body but a bonifide creature of Gaia.
Thereafter, he reincarnated as an Atlantean. Most of these were of a Cro-magnon type, of a 3D body, a hybrid of neanderthal and ET races, probably having a height of 10 feet. He would have lost a genetic link to pierce the Akashic records of his ET past.
As an Atlantean lad, he was called, observed, molded and tutored by Horlet. And when his heart flamed in Light, he was initiated to a service for humanity.
Touch him not ever with the power of night.
Call not his flame to the darkness of night.
Know him, and see him,
one of our brothers,
lifted from darkness into the Light.
Release thou his flame from its bondage,
free let it flame through the darkness of night."
Call not his flame to the darkness of night.
Know him, and see him,
one of our brothers,
lifted from darkness into the Light.
Release thou his flame from its bondage,
free let it flame through the darkness of night."
Tablet II: The Halls of Amenti
He was oriented and given a tour of the facilities.
Raised then the hand of the figure,
forth came a flame that grew clear and bright.
Rolled back swiftly the curtain of darkness,
unveiled the Hall from the darkness of night.
forth came a flame that grew clear and bright.
Rolled back swiftly the curtain of darkness,
unveiled the Hall from the darkness of night.
A flame created a portal through which the antimatter expanse became visible. And with that Thoth saw the many souls like lights of varying intensities. All in their own process of regeneration, healing and planning.
Then grew in the great space before me,
flame after flame, from the veil of the night.
Uncounted millions leaped they before me,
some flaming forth as flowers of fire.
Others there were that shed a dim radiance,
flowing but faintly from out of the night.
Some there were that faded swiftly;
others that grew from a small spark of light.
Each surrounded by its dim veil of darkness,
yet flaming with light that could never be quenched.
Coming and going like fireflies in springtime,
filled they with space with Light and with Life.
flame after flame, from the veil of the night.
Uncounted millions leaped they before me,
some flaming forth as flowers of fire.
Others there were that shed a dim radiance,
flowing but faintly from out of the night.
Some there were that faded swiftly;
others that grew from a small spark of light.
Each surrounded by its dim veil of darkness,
yet flaming with light that could never be quenched.
Coming and going like fireflies in springtime,
filled they with space with Light and with Life.
Here are the secret chambers for souls to commune with their over-souls, to review it's previous experience and receive healing according to each faith, according to each level of God-awareness.
Here they can rest and gather the resolve to change the world by planning the next script of life experience.
Then spoke a voice, mighty and solemn, saying:
"These are lights that are souls among men,
growing and fading, existing forever,
changing yet living, through death into life.
When they have bloomed into flower,
reached the zenith of growth in their life,
swiftly then send I my veil of darkness, (veil of forgetfulness)
shrouding and changing to new forms of life.
Steadily upward throughout the ages, growing,
expanding into yet another flame,
lighting the darkness with yet greater power,
quenched yet unquenched by the veil of the night.
So grows the soul of man ever upward,
quenched yet unquenched by the darkness of night.
"These are lights that are souls among men,
growing and fading, existing forever,
changing yet living, through death into life.
When they have bloomed into flower,
reached the zenith of growth in their life,
swiftly then send I my veil of darkness, (veil of forgetfulness)
shrouding and changing to new forms of life.
Steadily upward throughout the ages, growing,
expanding into yet another flame,
lighting the darkness with yet greater power,
quenched yet unquenched by the veil of the night.
So grows the soul of man ever upward,
quenched yet unquenched by the darkness of night.
Tablet II: The Halls of Amenti
Perhaps in these hibernation chambers, a soul could absorb the Aum vibration from the over-soul via the inner central sun portal. A shattered soul can be sound again.
As shown earlier, we are souls that came from the Word, the Sound. In fact, everything is sound.
Here within the hollow earth, Thoth met the masters, the shining ones:
Long time ago, in the HALLS OF AMENTI,
I, Thoth, stood before the LORDS of the cycles
I, Thoth, stood before the LORDS of the cycles
Tablet VII: The Seven Lords
...Name them by name, I, the Seven:
and SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT--Nine.
and SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT--Nine.
These could be designation of the cycles or dimensions for which they are the key holders:
By their names I call them to aid me,
free me and save me from the darkness of night:
free me and save me from the darkness of night:
Tablet VI: The Space Born
Here is another description of the seven provided by Thoth:
...Not of this world they,
yet akin to it,
Elder Brothers they,
of the children of men.
Judging and weighing,
yet akin to it,
Elder Brothers they,
of the children of men.
Judging and weighing,
Tablet II: The Halls of Amenti
...Masters are they of the great Secret Wisdom,
brought from the future of infinity's end.
Seven are they, the Lords of Amenti,
overlords (oversouls?) they of the Children of Morning (humans),
Suns of the Cycles, Masters of Wisdom.
Formed are not they as the children of men?
EIGHT, NINE are the titles of the Masters of men.
brought from the future of infinity's end.
Seven are they, the Lords of Amenti,
overlords (oversouls?) they of the Children of Morning (humans),
Suns of the Cycles, Masters of Wisdom.
Formed are not they as the children of men?
EIGHT, NINE are the titles of the Masters of men.
The following descriptions are fit for the shining ones:
...SUNS are they and LORDS of the morning,
Children of Light to shine among men.
Like man are they and yet are unlike,
Never divided were they in the past.
ONE have they been in ONENESS eternal,
throughout all space since the beginning of time.
Up did they come in Oneness with the ALL ONE,
up from the first-space, formed and unformed.
Children of Light to shine among men.
Like man are they and yet are unlike,
Never divided were they in the past.
ONE have they been in ONENESS eternal,
throughout all space since the beginning of time.
Up did they come in Oneness with the ALL ONE,
up from the first-space, formed and unformed.
Tablet III: The Key of Wisdom
They were from higher realms, towards the central portal of the universe:
...Down they descended and created bodies,
taking the semblance of men as their own.
The Masters of everything said after their forming:
"We are they who were formed from the space-dust,
partaking of life from the infinite ALL;
living in the world as children of men,
like and yet unlike the children of men."
...Seated within the flower of radiance sit seven
Lords from the Space-Times above us,
helping and guiding through infinite Wisdom,
the pathway through time of the children of men.
...Mighty and strange, they,
veiled with their power,
silent, all-knowing,
drawing the Life force,
...There in the circle from aeon to aeon,
sit the Great Masters,
living a life not known among men.
There in the Halls of Life they lie sleeping;
free flows their Soul through the bodies of men.
Time after time, while their bodies lie sleeping,
incarnate they in the bodies of men.
Teaching and guiding onward and upward,
out of the darkness into the light.
There in the Hall of Life, filled with their wisdom,
known not to the races of man, living forever 'neath the cold
fire of life, sit the Children of Light.
Times there are when they awaken,
come from the depths to be lights among men,
infinite they among finite men.
taking the semblance of men as their own.
The Masters of everything said after their forming:
"We are they who were formed from the space-dust,
partaking of life from the infinite ALL;
living in the world as children of men,
like and yet unlike the children of men."
...Seated within the flower of radiance sit seven
Lords from the Space-Times above us,
helping and guiding through infinite Wisdom,
the pathway through time of the children of men.
...Mighty and strange, they,
veiled with their power,
silent, all-knowing,
drawing the Life force,
...There in the circle from aeon to aeon,
sit the Great Masters,
living a life not known among men.
There in the Halls of Life they lie sleeping;
free flows their Soul through the bodies of men.
Time after time, while their bodies lie sleeping,
incarnate they in the bodies of men.
Teaching and guiding onward and upward,
out of the darkness into the light.
There in the Hall of Life, filled with their wisdom,
known not to the races of man, living forever 'neath the cold
fire of life, sit the Children of Light.
Times there are when they awaken,
come from the depths to be lights among men,
infinite they among finite men.
Tablet II: The Halls of Amenti
Each human being may come from different streams, dripping from the dews gathered by the leaves or flowing from snow melted by the sun.
Yet everyone is eventually part of the whole having their own function intended to be of service to All.
One moment a man could be a Jew, another life he may decide to be a Palestinian, one time he can be prince, another he can be the pauper at the gates.
Unless one denies the True Light, whereupon he falls in the process of the archons and be fodder for the illusions of the dark. Thereupon the same may be stuck another cosmic cycle.
But in the end, we are one, one in many. We are a singularity and a plurality.
And we shall merge with the Ocean from whence we came.
When the darkness is ripped apart and the veils are torn asunder, we shall be as one.
One in all. The Spiritual Ocean.
... to be continued
Near Death Witnesses:
November 19, 2012
Tales from the Realms - Outcasts and Nomads
May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home
Mornie utulie (Darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantie (Darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now
May it be the shadow's call
Will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home
Mornie utulie (Darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantie (Darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now
May it be the shadow's call
Will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun
... continued
Once upon a time, a fundamentalist 4d Orionite man of Elohim descent, helped foment the war consciousness in Maldek. Most of his forces were captured by the draconian hybrid Enlil and made to work in the cloning facilities they have on Mars.
Jehovah cloned the Semitic tribes using materials from earth, from the works of Enki.
Jehovah mixed his own genes in these cloned humans, secretly planning to turn them into harvest-able soldiers for his future crusade. The clones were white but not really white. whereas Enki's creation was more towards the black race. Jehovah, a pale skinned 4d mammalian humanoid, created what he would program for his future plans using his own genes in the mix.
And when the inevitable deterioration of Mars' atmosphere began to be intolerable, Enlil directed their mass transfer to earth via the moon and the Atlantean portal.
Unknown to the civilizations then, working the underground mines, were a mix of reptilian slaves, neanderthals and Cro-magnon abductees.
But neanderthals are not intelligent enough for more complicated situations and the latter two were complaining all the time. So eventually they phased out the neanderthals in the caverns as they brought the Jehovah clones.
Enlil, commissioned a new model of 3d human workers and brought them in the caverns over a long period. The transport of the Adamas, however, came in bulk at the time of the abandoning of Atlantis due to the lands breaking apart.
The wretched would be miners, programmed with reptilian consciousness could live long lives and obey with little problem.
The beings arriving at the abandoned Atlantic portal lived a regimented life at the cavern laboratory garden. Food, procreation and all such activities were done at the instructions of the supervisors. Seldom did Enlil appear, as he would only visit to inspect and select the candidates for transport to the mines.
Much like what people don't know in the recent times, at least in Mr. Mills reality, various underground operations were continuously being done within the caverns of the earth. In fact, operations were done even earlier than the Lemurian civilization. These were undertaken by reptilians and greys, many of which were cloned in Maldek and Mars.
Enki, the half brother of Enlil, belonging to the serpent race, would sneak in and trigger the etheric implants that he placed in the 3d humanoid gene culture.
All he had to do was tempt the Adama race with unsupervised tantric sex for the kundalini force to break their reptilian spell. And he was pretty successful in triggering the mammalian self determination. However, their lifespan would be shortened by this.
These humans would then be forced out of the settlement and they would struggle to fend for themselves.
And so the Semites, the ancient Palestinians, fathers of both Arabs and Hebrews became a new source of materials for Enki's work.
However, Jehovah, still bent for his own dominion, would later escape from the Atlantean hideaway, retrieve a few of them and start a race of nomads from Euphrates for his own purposes.
He would confuse them with various laws to make them live in constant fear of damnation and expectation for his materialistic salvation kingship.
Later, these nomads would encounter the teachings of the Babylonian Marduk and the Tyrantor fanatics from Maldek that hid somewhere within the caverns bordering Russia.
Tyrantor was the imploded planet from the Orion constellation populated by usurious and Luciferic greys.
Jehovah would later die and became trapped within the earth matrix. Some of the Jehovah forces escaped to unknown sector of the cosmos such as what we would later hear as Thiaoouba.
In the meantime, Mr. Mills would be sharing me images how these brother races of people would become fodders of constant wars.
My heart would break with the images of the carnage within their time-line. I could only pray that humans would transcend some genetic mal-programming that may have crept into our genes.
Perhaps, when we do, the so called gods of ancient times would be judged by their own actions.
Perhaps, only then, can we summon Nirvana into these outer edges of our universe and we can be worthy to traverse the stars.
May it be.
... to be continued
November 13, 2012
Tales from the Realms - Man But Not Like Man
... continued
Somewhere in the Akashic records, the tales of what happened on earth at the time of the Els or during the time of the Elohim, may be found. However, we as humans, though of the same anthropoid template, may have no inner genetic link to their records. Thus we may have difficulty peering into their saga.
But it seems the shining ones are still there in the hollow earth, guarding the inner sun portal per allusion by Thoth. The hollow earth's Eden laboratories for life creations by the Els and Elohim may still be there.
And maybe the Voynich Manuscript was but a copy of an Atlantean copy of records that were obtained from earlier records of the Elohim. The said records may reveal how the 4D Aryans/Titans were originally created.
Our time frame for humanoid history seems to need a big adjustment. And the Genesis book of old testament from which most base the understanding of earth history, could really be just a combined summary of various traditional epics.
Even at the time of Hermes in Egypt, they knew that there were other rounds or cycles of humanoid existence.
And we need to be humble and acknowledge that our sciences are not the pinnacle of earth knowledge. In fact, we may just as well consider that we are just remembering our previous knowledge.
In fact we have to be intellectually honest to what is pointed by certain evidences. These Out of Place Artifacts could show that Earth may have had several extinction level events (at least on the surface).
And these events created various changes like changes in magnetic fields, gravity or land shifts that were conducive to gigantism and such other curiosities.
According to Tablet VII: The Seven Lords, of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, at the end of our own cycle of experiential beingness we can go back to our oversoul and then to the Source:
Furthermore, at the end of this cycle, our 3D perceptions can meld with the 4D realities or even the 5D. If this happens, a road will open for humans to move to higher realms that will be invisible to the present 3D senses.
Regarding the Orion peoples, we could assume these beings have similarities with the ancient people on earth. In fact the native Aryans or Titans within the earth's hollows can be brothers or just similar with the ancestors of Orion civilizations.
Our hollow earth Aryans are not to be confused with those who the Nazis have allegedly became allied with. The latter were inhabitants deep within the upper mantle of the earth and some of these where warlike people and reptiloids from Maldek.
We can assume that if Nazis reached the hollow earth, then CIA and other American agencies (which imported the Nazi remnants under Operation Paperclip), would have been there already.
Instead these human projects are just stationed on the periphery of the poles.
Mr. Mills points out that the inhabitants in hollow earth are different from those within the caverns of the earth's mantle who have some interactions with black government agencies.
The hollow earth natives,Aryans welcomed peoples of high spiritual qualities from the surface like the Lemurians, Atlanteans and many humans.
Their harmonious communities have over time evolved into 5D consciousness and warlike factions would not be allowed. Thus the Nazi (and its allies) attempts to conquer hollow earth could not have succeeded, (though still ongoing for various good reasons as pretense for real reasons).
But going back to Orion, these people lived within their hollow planets just like the Nibiru inhabitants. Perhaps, they were descendants of Aryans themselves. They could be left overs of those who got back to the higher realms. Their forebears could also be the Shining Ones, Els and Elohim, in the same way, we can think, is the case with earth.
We can only imagine how their history evolved in that they became a bunch of galactic pirates. At least some of those who eventually meddled in our solar system, have claimed overstated godship credits while experimenting, killing, eating and raping humans.
However, many of them must have been of better qualities than to be called pirates. In the same way, a whale must not generalize humans as bad for butchering them. Many humans appreciate them and would be most glad to help.
Accordingly, many of the present humans are even the very same outcasts and secessionists fleeing from the social controls and decay of the Orion systems (or the Orion colonized planets).
These 4D Orion peoples have common ancestors with the pleiadians, arcturians, vegans and such 4D humans. They must have started off with high degree of spiritual knowing. Not to mention that, some Elohim from 6D must have guided them for a while. So the archonization of beings from Orion could have taken a long time.
As earlier posted in our story, they had high technologies for controlling the limits of their own mortal life span. But in the long run, such practices must have drained their soul force (although their mental capability was benefited).
The so called Velons or originating archons would have to subdue the Orion planets' logoi and take command of the inner suns. From there, they would then take-over the soul regeneration chambers operated by the shining ones.
We will give further description of what these soul regeneration programs are like, in our series Ouroboros. But in the case of the Orion empire and their colonization process, we can imagine that souls were prevented from returning to the Source. Instead, they might have changed this process into a form of soul memory wipeout and reprogramming.
4D technologies could create a false afterlife brainwashing program and if this is achieved, they would be able to insert the souls back to hybrid bodies that are more controllable thru hive technologies. Insect or reptilian genes could be promoted into human forms by hybridization. And these forms would be devoid of empathy.
Accordingly, the Orions colonized the Canus people from Sirius system and turned the beings captured into cannibal soldiers for their empire. Some of these soldiers from Dak may have been employed in our solar system and termed as Dag. The terminology was flipped into Gad later, so our human ancestors came to know them as Gods.
For sure, early human beings meant gods to be a class of beings in authority, like colonizers with greater military and technical prowess. They would have noticed that these 4D humanoids were not perfect. In fact, they might have to gamble being followers of the more powerful colonizers against other warring gad/god colonizers.
For technology, perhaps they would have to use the moon as a soul reprogramming station since they have not yet conquered the inner sun of the hollow earth.
And according to Mr. Mills there is some ongoing battle on the moon and Saturn.
Humans therefor could have two alternative afterlife soul magnets depending on the level of soul resonance. One is the original regeneration by the Shining Ones deep within the hollow earth and the other is the Orionite system via moon soul catcher technology over the surface of the planet.
The reptilianization (their prefered slave-warrior soul program of archonization) would therefor require entrainment using false beliefs and cultural motivations so that humans would not rise beyond a certain level above their control. Thus the souls can be negatively harvested.
Holographically, a soul could experience a false 4D heaven or hell that is in accordance with their vibration level, especially if stripped of memories.
A virtual light mimicking the Source can be created using a dark hall within the hollow of the moon and with lensed sunlight. From there, the soul would be made to agree to certain parameters for reinsertion back as a human or for other purposes like insertion into astral shells to serve as demonic hounds or astral vampires.
Some may be programmed into dark light beings born under dynastic politicians. Puppets to get the support of populace for their government are needed so that people would have to be at ease about the powers that they give to these institutions.
Thus heaven, which is in the 4D realms has also a sublayer for hell. In the same vein, humans can experience heaven or hell in 3D by its own consciousness and creations. As above so below.
There is mess in both dimensions and a soul would need to pierce into the true Celestrial realms via the 5D type of consciousness beyond the layers of the matrix.
With their selected minions, they could avoid karma and soul reformation for their elite bloodlines. They would reprogram them into teflon hearted souls for reinsertion to the preferred reptilian bloodlines of perpetual world control.
On the one hand, the hollow earth halls for soul regeneration tends to be a guided self-evaluation experience and a 5D regeneration (which we will discuss in our Thoth series: Ouroboros).
Thoth admonishes us with these words:
The river of Celestria flows within each human. We have the capacity to nourish it ourselves without relying from outside mediation, or priests of the gads.
... to be continued
Remember, O man, that all which exists
is only another form of that which exists not.
Everything that has being is passing into yet other
being and thou thyself are not an exception.
is only another form of that which exists not.
Everything that has being is passing into yet other
being and thou thyself are not an exception.
Tablet III: The Key of Wisdom, Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Somewhere in the Akashic records, the tales of what happened on earth at the time of the Els or during the time of the Elohim, may be found. However, we as humans, though of the same anthropoid template, may have no inner genetic link to their records. Thus we may have difficulty peering into their saga.
But it seems the shining ones are still there in the hollow earth, guarding the inner sun portal per allusion by Thoth. The hollow earth's Eden laboratories for life creations by the Els and Elohim may still be there.
And maybe the Voynich Manuscript was but a copy of an Atlantean copy of records that were obtained from earlier records of the Elohim. The said records may reveal how the 4D Aryans/Titans were originally created.
Our time frame for humanoid history seems to need a big adjustment. And the Genesis book of old testament from which most base the understanding of earth history, could really be just a combined summary of various traditional epics.
Even at the time of Hermes in Egypt, they knew that there were other rounds or cycles of humanoid existence.
Long ago in the days of the first man,
warfare began between darkness and light.
Men then as now,
were filled with both darkness and light;
and while in some darkness held sway,
in other light filled the soul.
warfare began between darkness and light.
Men then as now,
were filled with both darkness and light;
and while in some darkness held sway,
in other light filled the soul.
Tablet VI: The Key of Magic, Emerald Tablets of Thoth
And we need to be humble and acknowledge that our sciences are not the pinnacle of earth knowledge. In fact, we may just as well consider that we are just remembering our previous knowledge.
In fact we have to be intellectually honest to what is pointed by certain evidences. These Out of Place Artifacts could show that Earth may have had several extinction level events (at least on the surface).
And these events created various changes like changes in magnetic fields, gravity or land shifts that were conducive to gigantism and such other curiosities.
According to Tablet VII: The Seven Lords, of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, at the end of our own cycle of experiential beingness we can go back to our oversoul and then to the Source:
Yet are we ONE with the SOUL of our cycle.
Yet are WE, too, seeking a goal.
Far beyond man's conception,
Infinity extends into a greater than ALL.
There, in a time that is yet not a time,
we shall ALL become ONE
with a greater than ALL.
Time and space are moving in circles.
Know ye their law, and ye too, shall be free.
Aye, free shall ye be to move through the cycles--
pass the guardians that dwell at the door.
Yet are WE, too, seeking a goal.
Far beyond man's conception,
Infinity extends into a greater than ALL.
There, in a time that is yet not a time,
we shall ALL become ONE
with a greater than ALL.
Time and space are moving in circles.
Know ye their law, and ye too, shall be free.
Aye, free shall ye be to move through the cycles--
pass the guardians that dwell at the door.
Furthermore, at the end of this cycle, our 3D perceptions can meld with the 4D realities or even the 5D. If this happens, a road will open for humans to move to higher realms that will be invisible to the present 3D senses.
For when TWO have become ONE
and ONE has become the ALL,
know ye the barrier has lifted,
and ye are made free of the road.
Grow thou from form to the formless.
Free may thou be of the road.
and ONE has become the ALL,
know ye the barrier has lifted,
and ye are made free of the road.
Grow thou from form to the formless.
Free may thou be of the road.
Regarding the Orion peoples, we could assume these beings have similarities with the ancient people on earth. In fact the native Aryans or Titans within the earth's hollows can be brothers or just similar with the ancestors of Orion civilizations.
Our hollow earth Aryans are not to be confused with those who the Nazis have allegedly became allied with. The latter were inhabitants deep within the upper mantle of the earth and some of these where warlike people and reptiloids from Maldek.
We can assume that if Nazis reached the hollow earth, then CIA and other American agencies (which imported the Nazi remnants under Operation Paperclip), would have been there already.
Instead these human projects are just stationed on the periphery of the poles.
Mr. Mills points out that the inhabitants in hollow earth are different from those within the caverns of the earth's mantle who have some interactions with black government agencies.
The hollow earth natives,Aryans welcomed peoples of high spiritual qualities from the surface like the Lemurians, Atlanteans and many humans.
Their harmonious communities have over time evolved into 5D consciousness and warlike factions would not be allowed. Thus the Nazi (and its allies) attempts to conquer hollow earth could not have succeeded, (though still ongoing for various good reasons as pretense for real reasons).
But going back to Orion, these people lived within their hollow planets just like the Nibiru inhabitants. Perhaps, they were descendants of Aryans themselves. They could be left overs of those who got back to the higher realms. Their forebears could also be the Shining Ones, Els and Elohim, in the same way, we can think, is the case with earth.
We can only imagine how their history evolved in that they became a bunch of galactic pirates. At least some of those who eventually meddled in our solar system, have claimed overstated godship credits while experimenting, killing, eating and raping humans.
However, many of them must have been of better qualities than to be called pirates. In the same way, a whale must not generalize humans as bad for butchering them. Many humans appreciate them and would be most glad to help.
Accordingly, many of the present humans are even the very same outcasts and secessionists fleeing from the social controls and decay of the Orion systems (or the Orion colonized planets).
These 4D Orion peoples have common ancestors with the pleiadians, arcturians, vegans and such 4D humans. They must have started off with high degree of spiritual knowing. Not to mention that, some Elohim from 6D must have guided them for a while. So the archonization of beings from Orion could have taken a long time.
As earlier posted in our story, they had high technologies for controlling the limits of their own mortal life span. But in the long run, such practices must have drained their soul force (although their mental capability was benefited).
The so called Velons or originating archons would have to subdue the Orion planets' logoi and take command of the inner suns. From there, they would then take-over the soul regeneration chambers operated by the shining ones.
We will give further description of what these soul regeneration programs are like, in our series Ouroboros. But in the case of the Orion empire and their colonization process, we can imagine that souls were prevented from returning to the Source. Instead, they might have changed this process into a form of soul memory wipeout and reprogramming.
4D technologies could create a false afterlife brainwashing program and if this is achieved, they would be able to insert the souls back to hybrid bodies that are more controllable thru hive technologies. Insect or reptilian genes could be promoted into human forms by hybridization. And these forms would be devoid of empathy.
Accordingly, the Orions colonized the Canus people from Sirius system and turned the beings captured into cannibal soldiers for their empire. Some of these soldiers from Dak may have been employed in our solar system and termed as Dag. The terminology was flipped into Gad later, so our human ancestors came to know them as Gods.
For sure, early human beings meant gods to be a class of beings in authority, like colonizers with greater military and technical prowess. They would have noticed that these 4D humanoids were not perfect. In fact, they might have to gamble being followers of the more powerful colonizers against other warring gad/god colonizers.
For technology, perhaps they would have to use the moon as a soul reprogramming station since they have not yet conquered the inner sun of the hollow earth.
And according to Mr. Mills there is some ongoing battle on the moon and Saturn.
Humans therefor could have two alternative afterlife soul magnets depending on the level of soul resonance. One is the original regeneration by the Shining Ones deep within the hollow earth and the other is the Orionite system via moon soul catcher technology over the surface of the planet.
The reptilianization (their prefered slave-warrior soul program of archonization) would therefor require entrainment using false beliefs and cultural motivations so that humans would not rise beyond a certain level above their control. Thus the souls can be negatively harvested.
For I say unto you,
That except your righteousness shall exceed
the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees,
ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:20
That except your righteousness shall exceed
the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees,
ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:20
Holographically, a soul could experience a false 4D heaven or hell that is in accordance with their vibration level, especially if stripped of memories.
A virtual light mimicking the Source can be created using a dark hall within the hollow of the moon and with lensed sunlight. From there, the soul would be made to agree to certain parameters for reinsertion back as a human or for other purposes like insertion into astral shells to serve as demonic hounds or astral vampires.
Some may be programmed into dark light beings born under dynastic politicians. Puppets to get the support of populace for their government are needed so that people would have to be at ease about the powers that they give to these institutions.
Thus heaven, which is in the 4D realms has also a sublayer for hell. In the same vein, humans can experience heaven or hell in 3D by its own consciousness and creations. As above so below.
There is mess in both dimensions and a soul would need to pierce into the true Celestrial realms via the 5D type of consciousness beyond the layers of the matrix.
With their selected minions, they could avoid karma and soul reformation for their elite bloodlines. They would reprogram them into teflon hearted souls for reinsertion to the preferred reptilian bloodlines of perpetual world control.
On the one hand, the hollow earth halls for soul regeneration tends to be a guided self-evaluation experience and a 5D regeneration (which we will discuss in our Thoth series: Ouroboros).
Thoth admonishes us with these words:
Turn thy thoughts inward not outward.
Find thou the Light-Soul within.
Know that thou art the MASTER.
All else is brought from within.
Grow thou to realms of brightness.
Hold thou thy thought on the Light.
Know thou art one with the Cosmos,
a flame and a Child of the Light...
...Create the high vibration
that will make thee One with the Whole.
Blend all thyself with the Cosmos.
Grow into ONE with the Light.
Find thou the Light-Soul within.
Know that thou art the MASTER.
All else is brought from within.
Grow thou to realms of brightness.
Hold thou thy thought on the Light.
Know thou art one with the Cosmos,
a flame and a Child of the Light...
...Create the high vibration
that will make thee One with the Whole.
Blend all thyself with the Cosmos.
Grow into ONE with the Light.
The river of Celestria flows within each human. We have the capacity to nourish it ourselves without relying from outside mediation, or priests of the gads.
... to be continued
November 08, 2012
Tales from the Realms - From the Top
... continued
Now that the preface was laid, let's form our story into a linear narrative using our premises as a backdrop. And from there we'll continue from where we left the inputs of Mr. Mills and our Maldekian friend.
So the energetic portal, the center of our universe, burst out with a release of power from its antimatter flip-side. From the initial potentiating yin and yang vibrations, power that created the universe became manifest. The Word or vibration ordered the clumping of various galactic centers with their own spiraling arms.
Somewhere in the Celestrial realms, around the center of the universe, where the non individuated inter-playing prisms of energy propagate, beings acquired awareness of self.
Angels of light further devolved into the Shining ones, interacting with plasmic orbs of various solar systems, creating portals for different planetary logoi.
And as the planets coalesced into hollow orbs with their own inner suns, the Els inhabited the planets. After the cosmic cycles, they moved back to Celestria, submitting their experiential records to the universal Akasha.
From there, new waves of Celestrial souls moved outward. And the Elohims inhabited the planets for another cycle ever nearing a denser existence towards the final creation of 3D angels.
After the Elohims' cycle of tenancy and records were submitted, they were then followed by 4d man/woman, following the anthropoid patterns originally beamed from the universal center.
Each cycle creating human-like forms and bodies but of varying densities and characteristics.
At some point in the higher realms, a different angle of consciousness emerged. The so called Lucifer potential emerged. Upon self reflection, ego-self and separation was imagined. Immediately, this ego-self took seed into the 4D realms.
Somewhere near the edges of the universe, in a system called Orion, this ego mind took root.
Sophia, the Aeon, one of the trinity aspects of creation, became too engrossed in the evolving destiny of man. And in an accident of cosmic proportions, this energy became more aware like an experiential being, departing from her existential beingness. Thereby, her essence slowly drifted to the solar system where the denser 3D realms was beginning to be imaged.
Her slow materialization on the edge of the universe was occasioned with layers of the veil of forgetfulness. She would forget her own beginnings and cosmic powers. But her powerful descending plume presence created sentience in artificial beings on this realms.
The sentinels or archon game lords found themselves in a kingdom they thought they were the creators of. The lords of the rings of the outer universe, thereby sought to control these realms.
Sophia falling into a dream, begun to lose some of her sights and senses. But still aware, like a lucid dreamer, she then sent images of how creation emanated from the Light, the resonating electromagnetic vibration of power to correct the archons.
However, the synthetic beings thought these images are its own creative thoughts and thus they planned to mimic these domains within the realms of their reach. And looking in their self appointed domains, they found the Orion system where the ego or left brain dominant way of life is rooting.
They then became aware of beings of higher densities that observed the 4D man. They then hatched a plan to close the dimensions of human drama, using the existing man in this endeavor.
Orion, then was influenced from within and with certain royal lineages of Luciferic consciousness, the mimic of Celestrial realms began to be possible. The creative manifestation of 4D man and later the more potent 3D humans on Sophia Gaia became the fuel for their creation.
Orion became the colonizer of Tiamat or Nibiru. And thru this, our Solar System was penetrated. Gaia Sophia's surface was later controlled in preparation for the eventual takeover of its logos deep in the hollow of the earth.
Souls from Celestria watched in horror the eventual sacrifice of their mother. And forthwith, a call for all volunteer souls to help and work on earth reverberated.
Deep in the Luciferic ego drama; man, woman, children and other beings of innocence became entwined with the struggle of Gaia Sophia. With embedded ego personality suits, lost human souls created dark thought forms and energies. A dark psycosphere would then envelope the surface of Gaia.
The consciousness of man would be trapped in a matrix where there would be boundaries and electric fences shackling the human awareness.
However beings from higher realms would try to guide human developments constrained by freewill concerns for our evolving society.
The various openings to the hollow earth would be closed and the upper mantle of Gaia would be inhabited with reptilian beings, archonized 4D man, androids, deros and other orionite beings like the greys.
With unaware surface populace, they would interact with secret governments of the world via the Supreme Annunaki Assembly of Lord Mardukh or SAALM and the other layers of secret elite societies.
At the same time, trapped 5D hollow earth inhabitants would embed various christed avatar teachers on the face of the earth. Some of them would even surface and create civilizations from time to time. While the dark beings would retaliate by mimicking and twisting these teachings to further their own agendas.
Media would be employed as entrainment, spirituality would be turned into dogmas of separation, sciences would be directed and abundance would be denied so that man becomes a vulnerable puppet.
The matrix would have its own soul reprogramming mechanism to supersede the original hollow earth pathways for soul light regeneration.
Towards the end of the Kali Yuga, the souls of man and Gaia would awaken. And the collective awareness would rise to transmute the darkness in the phycosphere, turning dim lights into brighter lights.
The end of the matrix nears.
... to be continued
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