I must confess I spooked Mayweather.
Well, I mean Roger Mayweather, I guess. (And not to mention the many other Floyd trollers).
It happened in the later quarter of 2009. But first let me tell you a secret:
- Pacquiao is Pinoy's native version of Chuck Norris.
By that. I mean media clips and highlight reels can blow up the reputation of a human into herculean proportions and thereby create a myth swirling around his presence.
Those are what I think happened to Chuck to whom Bruce Lee's myth was rubbed into. And now the diminutive spitfire Pacquiao who has built his own Bruce Lee derived aura.
I may feel a little bit at fault, but maybe so were the Mayweathers. You see, I grew up hearing whispers of esoteric empowerment. That old sorcerer, "Ka Ente" used to frequent our area and he told those stories to whet the appetites of would be purchasers of his charms and amulets.
And the Mayweathers, well, Floyd Sr., came up with his evil seed of steroidgate earlier than I could get out my troll story.
To start with, the American media came out with this "Manny Pacquiao is a freak of nature" line that I don't agree with. I saw many equally durable natives from the Philippines and I think they're common - although I must add that 99.99% of them never had the opportunity to step in a boxing ring much less be trained by Roach.
These guys are there under the heat of the sun doing construction work, carrying 2 to 3 sacks of cement from one place to another, mixing them with sand/water and bringing the mix to another area. And to think after the days work, they even played basketball with me excitedly.
They may not have much form in their styles but I can say they are as tough as Pacquiao. However, they sorely needed training in basketball, or boxing or any other sports they could have excelled in.
Yes most of them were predisposed to a different evening sport - drinking 'lambanog', gin and such other strong drinks. And the closest they had a boxing event would have been "The Events" - which is not a Dallas Cowboy fight time but the usual cockfighting events which were as raucous as the Superbowl (if you ever seen one).
Before I divulge how I spooked Roger, let's see the background circumstances involved and watch this: ( Note - if the clip doesn't load, try clicking the Youtube logo to open it in a pop-up window.)
Back in 2006, Floyd Mayweather, Jr. was cheering Manny Pacquiao and jumping up and down when Pac knocked down Erik Morales. Mayweather was an original pactard like of most of the people I knew.
I you want others to confirm this then see it here and here and here.

(Note: For some reason the above links have now some deleted videos. So I'm attaching alternative picture. You can view the rest of the pictures at Examiner.com)
In 2006 Manny wasn't considered a serious opponent for Floyd or anyone else above 135 because there wasn't enough reason to believe he would ever rise above the weight class he was in. I now realize that he must have been a late bloomer to the welter weight division.
Considering his dense bone structures, had he been richer and fed enough, he would have been about as tall as Cotto or Shane Mosley.
Now as Pacquiao moved up in weight and dominated each weight class, he captured Floyd's P4P status and that coincided with the steroid accusation.
As former admirers of Pacman, his image may have gotten within their skin as some sort of inspiration. That was all fine and dandy until Pacquiao began to enroach (via new nutrition and training) into their own weight class - the division where they have to battle with their own minds, the admired image of this spitfire.
Dela Hoya as you saw in the above playlist, was using Pacquiao's ferocity and qualities as inspiration in their Dream Match. Somehow DLH was admiring Pac but at the same time he had a mental barrier to the limit of how much Pacquiao can go up (about 135 lbs). On the other hand, Pacquiao's mentality was not afflicted with such barriers because he had already triumphed over this fallacy of bigger guys, earlier in his career.
Mayweather Sr., also a Pactard (in fact he recently stated he feared for the life of his son), gave the first salvo of accusation to Pacquiao in the face of the threat to his son's P4P status (Sept., 2009).
Going back to the history of Floyd Sr., and Roger Mayweather, I can see that they had their own self-implanted fear due to their previous losses to some types of fighters that we can say Pacquiao may have similar or even more ferocity.
* Roger:
*Floyd Sr.:
This implanted fear could have been a factor to how they trained Floyd Jr. to be his best with defense and how they steered Mayweather towards fighters they knew they can dominate. - Not to mention comments like this one posted earlier in Aug. 2009:
Now sometime in 2009, I was having some exasperation because I felt Sr., was steering Jr., from fighting Pacquiao via this accusation instead of just saying no. To be honest, I was thinking that Floyd might clown Pacquiao in a non-fight, psychological tag-ur-it points-match similar to how Leonard made Duran loss appetite in their fight. I hated that kind of clown boxing so I thought maybe their fight was not meant to be.
I was frequenting then the Justin TV boxing stations watching Pac vs Hatton/Cotto fights. I noticed that the trolls in the chat room were analyzing how Pacquiao dominated up to the Cotto fight, arguing and counter-arguing about steroids. So I trolled in and gave a recount of the stories of "Ka Ente". I told them my opinion that Pacquiao may have amulet or "agimat".
As a backgrounder, I mentioned the stories I heard that the American GIs had difficulty because their caliber 38 guns could not stop the Philippine natives in Mindanao. And that as a result, the American forces commissioned the invention of Magnum 45 which was glorified in a boyhood FPJ movie I saw.
So at the end of the discussions, I think I might have convinced too many and sooner to my surprise Roger Mayweather was sprouting his A-Side-Meth story of Filipinos 500 yrs. ago who have bullets bouncing off them. I never would have thought that Roger or one of their family members could also be a troll. Now, I realize Teddy Atlas must have been in that chatroom also!
(Perhaps one of them is the owner of the station and another is an admin.)
- Agimat
- A - gi - mat
- A - shie - maet
- A - side- meth
Mea Culpa! I never thought our boxing experts were into conspiracy theories when in truth, it was I who believed that Pancho Villa was a victim of American conspiracy using the needles that were supposed to contain anesthesia.
And before I discuss (next blogpost) my opinions on the myths I may have spooked many of them, here is a backgrounder out of the lips of other people:
Next, I will try to elaborate on the above videos and expose the Secret of the A-Side-Meth.
... to be continued
Oops for the spooked ones: sorry if you be spooked once again by the last two videos.
Anting-anting is a myth.
Tune in next episode as I will try to unspooke the spooked ones and deconstruct Anting-anting/amulet/talisman for the peace of mind of those who manufacture the now infamous "injenctiongate".
This is an article in a subtopic entitled- "Memes: The Manny Pacquiao Expose Series". The said article can be found in the Chapter III of my "Reboot" series which you can find here.
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