The pot for each table in the casino gets bigger every time. The wealth and blood money for each kingdom accumulates and gets too tempting for the super-egos to launch war and false flags operations just to steal the horde.
With esoteric impetus, gangs: good or bad, battle it out for the accumulated wealth of the world and the blood money of peoples starting from forgotten civilizations such as Lemuria/Havilah to today's loots such as the Middle Eastern nations.
In the process, schemes and social machineries were created to clash the civilizations and subvert the super-corporation of planet earth.
The SS I'm referring to is not the gang associated with Hitler and the Vatican. It is the Subverted Super-corporation of all life that is supposed to be tenants of planet earth.
Gangs, foundations, religions, governments, corporations etc. which are just subsets of the collective have merged, schemed and connived like syndicates because of the wealth of the world.
Some corporations gets too big as to own the whole Amazon forest, the sources of drinking water or the airwaves above the lands in perpetuity.
The resources which are intended by earth for the collective were cornered by subsets of the whole. And these gangs think they are too big too fail that they begin to intend to depopulate 90% of the planet so that their goal of control pushes through.
The real super-corporation is thereby subverted and with it, the expression of life is prevented. Perhaps that's why the common man has to buy the illusions and opium of religion that they sell afterall.
In the meantime, fools gold or the casino money was created by the cartels and played like "yoyo" to gather the golds and wealth of the world. At each return of the "yoyo", the jewelries are magnetized and gathered for a cyclic transfer of wealth.
From the time of Havilah to Solomon to Yamashita and every modern nations, gold horde had been fatal to be known for. Gold treasure is a magnet for human conflict. Gold is something one gets from the earth and tries to gather in bounty and thereafter bury in the earth again.
Bankers made an ingenious proposal to be the repository of gold and issue certificate to make it safer and convenient for gold owners to trade.
Banking has so far been quite a devilish tool to steal gold inheritances. Their printed money is an elaborate fools gold that have funded so many war mercenaries, erasing so many proof of gold ownership and the confiscation of all others' gold hordes like Hitler and Hirohito did.
Much of the gold horde of the aforementioned two men were eventually raided by Gen. McArthur. And now, the gold in Fort Knox (recently said to be tungsten dipped in gold) and those that were under the buildings destroyed by 911 are missing.
The raiders of the lost hordes seemed to have stashed the golds. And in the process of all these looting and counter-looting, syndicates tempted honorable men to sell their souls and conspire against the people they were supposed to serve.
Planet earth have not blossomed into an expression of life but a gangland, a system of hording and denial of life support, a game of monopoly via war, legalities and blackmail. Humanity have forgotten its oneness - the super-corporation was subverted.
... to be continued
This is an article in subtopic "Stairways to Heaven" in the Chapter III of the "Reboot" series which you can find here.
July 28, 2011
July 14, 2011
Mystery of Delusion
Vegas magicians have so many sleight of hand techniques, but they are more honest than the so called ancient gods who hide from humanity.
These mysterious beings and their mystery school teachings encountered by so many men of renown and power have divided and spilled the blood of humanity for eons. Their sorceries beguiled the instituted brotherhoods that contended to get their hands in the ever growing pot of gold.
Mystery and secrecy was an effective way to plunge humanity into slavery via the representative governments (and the elites behind them). Polarity was played on contending forces among the inhabitants of the earth.
The representative form of government has always been very susceptible to manipulation. The hidden priests of gold and money have easy access to the control of human populace because the processes involved in governance is pivoted by money.
New governments, kingdoms and empires are mostly created by coups, wars, elections or passed via bloodlines who were said to have a right to rule by edict of the gods .
All of the aforementioned means of earth governance are associated with money or the delusion of god-ordained rulership.
Throughout the known history there has not been a true democracy or freedom of the people. The governments are used as machineries to create bigger pots of gold and power for the cream of society.
The priesthood serves the eye of the pyramid. Below them, the common man are organized to uplift the priesthood. The governments are in reality a priesthood of arms/weapons and the bankers are the priesthood of mammon, with religion/esoteric groups ultimately controlling both.
The ancient gods were manipulative magicians and remain the inspiration of so many among the priesthoods of humanity. The populace are sacrificed via wars/conquest, people are collaterals of political polarities and subjects of religious programming. In this game, gold and wealth are extracted from the common man - the reward pot of the casino is the blood of the people.
We may be ending a cycle of harvest in the clock of the gods. And if the elites and priesthoods of the gods continue with their delusions and super-ego, humanity will annihilate itself by nuclear fire. If that be the case, the magicians of old will have fooled mankind once again.
"History is the lie commonly agreed upon," - Voltaire
"We shall have a world government whether or not you like conquest or consent." - James Warburg, Rothschild Banking Agent
"Fifty men have run America, and that is a high figure."- Joseph Kennedy 1936
"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." -David Rockefeller
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson."- FDR 1937 Letter to Col. Edward Mundell House
History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and it's issuance." — James Madison
... to be continued
This is an article in subtopic "Stairways to Heaven" in the Chapter III of the "Reboot" series which you can find here.
July 10, 2011
Pacquiao: Rare 24/7 Footage
We admire the ferocity and athleticism of Manny Pacquiao. He is in the process of etching for himself a stellar career in the annals of boxing.
But before Manny achieved his 8-Division 8-World Title record, all he had was a great heart.
He was as small as Floyd Mayweather was at a tender young age. They both went thru the 106 lb division.
Manny was an undernourished guy who was sustained mostly by rich dreams.
No xyloccaine, no steroids, just self programmed meme - an inward meme to be the best in the face of the situation at hand.
The Reconstructed Lost Footages
Here is the lost footage of Manny, way back and even before he saw Lehlo Ledwaba: Pacquiao's first slick black opponent boxer hailing from the urban jungles of Soweto, Africa.
As for A-Side-Meth or Agimat, I once tried to find out if I could get one from the banana trees in front of our old house. But I chickened out when at midnight, I heard weird noises while waiting in the dark for the stone to fall from the budding banana heart.
Perhaps another reference will aid those who have heart to battle the elementals guarding the talisman. So here is a quote:
"Agimat or bertud or anting-anting, is a Filipino word for amulet or charm. Although stereotyped as a cross, a flat, round or triangular golden pendant accompanying a necklace or a necklace-like item, it is also depicted as an enchanted stone that came from the sky or from the heart of a banana tree at midnight (mutya). In relation to the latter, it is usually ingested. It is usually accompanied by a small book of magic incantations which must be read during Good Friday or a certain special date to attain the amulet's full power and benefit. An agimat could also be in the form of a clothing with magic words inscribed on it, or even in the form of edible enchanted mud (in Tagalog, mud is putik)."
- More of it from this reference.
Oh well, I guess, I should have battered that banana tree earlier during the day to expel the elementals, just like Manny did above.
This is an article in a subtopic entitled- "Memes: The Manny Pacquiao Expose Series". The said article can be found in the Chapter III of my "Reboot" series which you can find here.
But before Manny achieved his 8-Division 8-World Title record, all he had was a great heart.
He was as small as Floyd Mayweather was at a tender young age. They both went thru the 106 lb division.
Manny was an undernourished guy who was sustained mostly by rich dreams.
No xyloccaine, no steroids, just self programmed meme - an inward meme to be the best in the face of the situation at hand.
The Reconstructed Lost Footages
Here is the lost footage of Manny, way back and even before he saw Lehlo Ledwaba: Pacquiao's first slick black opponent boxer hailing from the urban jungles of Soweto, Africa.
As for A-Side-Meth or Agimat, I once tried to find out if I could get one from the banana trees in front of our old house. But I chickened out when at midnight, I heard weird noises while waiting in the dark for the stone to fall from the budding banana heart.
Perhaps another reference will aid those who have heart to battle the elementals guarding the talisman. So here is a quote:
"Agimat or bertud or anting-anting, is a Filipino word for amulet or charm. Although stereotyped as a cross, a flat, round or triangular golden pendant accompanying a necklace or a necklace-like item, it is also depicted as an enchanted stone that came from the sky or from the heart of a banana tree at midnight (mutya). In relation to the latter, it is usually ingested. It is usually accompanied by a small book of magic incantations which must be read during Good Friday or a certain special date to attain the amulet's full power and benefit. An agimat could also be in the form of a clothing with magic words inscribed on it, or even in the form of edible enchanted mud (in Tagalog, mud is putik)."
- More of it from this reference.
Oh well, I guess, I should have battered that banana tree earlier during the day to expel the elementals, just like Manny did above.
This is an article in a subtopic entitled- "Memes: The Manny Pacquiao Expose Series". The said article can be found in the Chapter III of my "Reboot" series which you can find here.
July 09, 2011
Atlantis and Lemuria: Connecting some dots
Atlantis and Lemuria are ancient and seemingly mostly forgotten memories in the corners of human minds.
The site: provides a time line that covers the said legends:

Varying and conflicting stories are already forwarded and I'm adding a perspective that may be worthwhile to take into account.
When locating such sites, we have to consider the possibility that such civilizations may have risen parallel to the time of or near the proposed Pangea period- when landmasses were one or were just separating.

Others will consider the Archipelago of the Azores as being part of Atlantis and some more will consider the America as the more likely site.

If stories of Atlantis' high technology were true, they might have their counterpart of todays fracking or hydraulic fracturing.
Who knows what other elements are inside the earth? And some sectors of their population could have intentionally or unintentionally trigger some disasters with the overt reason of fetching these desired wealth underneath.
Was Atlantis an empire that became divided unto itself? Did their technology and politics trigger volcanism or other tectonic forces?
If Atlantis sinked into the Atlantic Ocean and some washed out portion remained, could it be possible that what was left, somewhere in the Bermuda triangle, was replanted into the Eden of Genesis 2?
Did Cain, Seth, their parents and other siblings eventually crossed the remaining land bridges towards the Mediterranean area before the tectonic plates eventually grew farther apart by Noah's time?
Perhaps, North America was mostly mountains of ice at the time of Eden. Perhaps, the Gulf of Mexico was a catch basin of the runoff from snowy mountains, a lagoon of semi-frozen water from where a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden and from thence was parted into four heads.
When they were expelled from Eden, they could not climb the snowy mountains towards North America and they were afraid of the dark Amazon jungles towards the South America, so they crossed the thawing land bridges to Africa as the fiery volcanoes were starting to show some lavas.
According to The legend of Lemuria and sunken Sundaland
"During the 1930s, James Churchward made the legends of Lemuria known to the public after he studied the extensive myths of peoples living from India in the West to Hawai'i in the East..."
"A less known, but similar legend from Asia is that of the sunken continent sometimes called Lemuria.
The Lemuria legend is interesting because geologists have confirmed that large sections of land mass formerly connected to Asia were indeed submerged thousands of years ago. The largest chunk of such submarine real estate is known as Sundaland,
Sundaland formerly connected mainland Southeast Asia with Indonesia. Nearly all the islands of Indonesia formed one great land mass extending to Palawan in the Philippines. By the time the Holocene period was over 8,000 years ago, Southeast Asia had lost well over half of its surface area. Island groups in the Philippines and Eastern Indonesia were also formed during this period."
By most accounts, the earlier human civilization mentioned is Lemuria. Although the time line above points to other eras even earlier, we may assume those as pre-human. In fact, the Lemurian human would most likely have been different than the humans today (and for that matter Atlanteans).
Also who can say that there is only one type of human in each era? Nymphs, fairies, elves and such beings are fairly common traditions from olden times. What if these beings were under a shifted dimensional physicality? In fact, we can assume they are etheric beings.
The real cradle of civilization must have been Mu, somewhere in the Pacific. It could have been the first Eden with Atlantis as the second and the biblical Eden, located at the remains of Atlantis, as the 3rd one.
Science tends to lean towards the existence of parallel universe as observed using quantum data. However, we now know more than ever, that we know so little. Previously, we were so dogmatic as to burn those that say the sun and planets do not revolve around the earth.
They say the early natives were worshipers of their dead ancestors, their religion was animism. What if they were just sensitive to these alternate or shifted dimension/s and just were giving them due respect?
Such were the tales of Maria Makiling or Maria Sinukuan, nymphs living along various mountains who occasionally were said to interact with humans and give precious minerals. No less than Dr. Jose Rizal had a story about Maria Makiling and I believe Dr. Rizal was nevertheless a devout Catholic.
Lemuria was said to be quite a large landmass. Physically, it is believed that Lemuria existed largely in the Southern Pacific, between North America and Asia/Australia. Lemuria is also sometimes referred to as Mu, or the Motherland.
What could have been it's demise? For such a large chunk to sink, that mass of matter would have created additional gravitational signs of which the Geoid surely exhibit.
The sinking of such a wide area could have pushed the tectonic plates of the Pacific Ocean and the friction would have created volcanism like that exhibited along the Ring of Fire. Such volcanoes erupting at a more frequent intervals would have created darkness upon the face of the earth for a long time (much more if the planet was covered under a canopy of clouds).
And if those hot magma melted the remains of some asteroid or mountains of rock, gold could have been created in good quantities. The land of Havilah, after the sinking of most part must have been richer in gold and other rare metals (btw, they said Pacific Ocean is rich in rare metals).
Paradise Broken
The history of humanity is replete with wars, natural calamities and man made disasters. What were within the control of man to create a paradise out of life, were in many cases turned into tragedies via mental delusions (by those who claimed to be the representatives of the collective humanity).
Who would have created such delusions and mind programs?
According to a website:
"...concept of ruling by "divine right" became inculcated on Earth. This concept of worshipping an elite has continued through to modern times.
Culture would rise against culture in wars claiming that the elite they themselves worshipped were superior to the elite of the opposing faction."
Somehow even the Genesis account of the fall of Adam and Eve were replete with religious undertones and mental delusions from forces non-human in origin and said to be adversaries of God.
Most of the great warriors and empire builders thought they were conquering with the guidance of some form of deity. It is easy to surmise that emperors would have delusions of grandeur, both earthly and heavenly. They had deluded super-ego, in order to justify looting and killing masses upon masses of humanity.
Even Constantine allegedly saw a vision of a cross in the sky that informed him that he would conquer under the sign of Christ. Would the character of Jesus undertaken such massive bloodshed himself, if he was physically present at that time?
It is easy to see that a mortal would worship what appears with a show of paranormal magic and tricks. In fact, it was written that the apostles tended to kneel upon seeing certain angels.
If David Copperfield went back in time, bringing with him some astronomical tools and other gadgetries, he would have at least a scripture devoted to him by now. He would have been written by now to have commanded the sun to shutdown (at an opportune solar eclipse).
And he, along with the many beings, upon theo-consolidation into a monotheism might dangerously be labeled as God. A one true God for whom people would have declared themselves priests and killed another man, to loot his gold for building the necessary golden shrine.
Sitchin attributed most of ancient human history to the Annunaki and if I may add, these beings could have been a coalition of many ancient races that roamed the universe. (Maybe they have an organization like NATO of today.)
Had natives been allowed living without elitism and valuing gold as money, power and wealth, what would be the impact?
I think, most wars and hording of wealth would have been prevented. I think, our cultural roots and collective memories would thereby have not been needlessly erased. I think we may have created non-usury money as some form of distribution of nourishment that mother earth provides.
I think our records of Atlantis and Lemuria, or all versions of Eden would have been preserved and our forebears treated with collective dignity. In fact, the earth could have been a paradise all these time.
... to be continued
This is an article in subtopic "Stairways to Heaven" in the Chapter III of the "Reboot" series which you can find here.
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