A Vehicle for Clean Slate Social Operating System
If for some reason, you finally decide that you want to try a change in your OS, will you do it haphazardly? Probably and advisably not, because you may run into many obstacles. You can lose your favorite applications, bookmarks, files and what not. Also you may want to try whether your prospective OS will have support for peripherals and whether it has alternative applications that can work with your hardware to achieve the goals of using the PC.

This is also the case when you want a massive social transformation. You cannot just campaign for a Charter Change to change the government etc. Furthermore, any delegate for ChaCha that will eventually be pushed in the forefront for the people will be working within the games played in the society. And these games put a person in a mode of self preservation and promotion under a dog eat dog system. A system that can't create a humanity qualified to multiply as the sands of the earth to propagate across the universe.
So if a candidate says: "Kayo ang Boss ko!", what he is truly saying is that he will try to remember the people when he gets in office. And that same office is a cog in a ladderized pyramid which may either topple him (including his family/groups' interests) or push it upwards towards a more elitist fulfilment.
The people electing a person is really elevating a mini-pyramid of interests within the larger pyramid of the government. It's like you marrying a person and later finding out a whole lot of kins you never knew which you have to go along with.
In the end, the wishes of electorate rarely are fulfilled because the power structure is preying on those of the lower layer of the pyramid, without which the pyramid cannot altogether be held up.
Sure, changes takes place - but the more they change, the more they stay the same. Well, unless a benevolent dictator rise up and then give the power back to the people, the happening of which is like winning a massive lotto.
In this case, seasteading is a way to birth a social system that can avoid running into all the obstacles of the current social operating system.
Do you have an idea of what a seasteading nation can become? Perhaps it's like the opportunity that you can make available to your child. And if you have a vista for idealism, you would not want your child to have the same mistakes you realized you must have avoided.
In the meantime, here are some fun endeavors that we can foresee for a young seasteading nation:
Here are other write-ups on Seasteading which I scanned while looking for images for this blog. (I am getting these links as I write them. I have not thoroughly studied them. I prefer to work with only the sea-stead principle so I can have ideas of a real Peoples New World Order in a freer spirit):
* Steastead Institute Forum
* Applied Impossibilities
* Deep-water city-states
* Submersible Seastead with Human-Powered Commute
* Wealth of Creative Talent The Seastead Modern Architecture Design Contest
* Shimizu Modular Seastead Tower Concept
* The Seastead Modern Architecture Design Contest
Also make sure to look-up my Seastead Tech page.
Maybe one of the main obstacle of seasteading is the difficulty of raising the resources of building one (as well as security w/c in this case, I deem resolved by having a host country). If a party dominates the building up credit, that same party will impose it's will on the newly born nation (as usual). For this reason, it is preferable to involve openness and the volunteering people of all nations. It will make the endeavor a common golden parachute for humanity. Thereby, host country will have enormous international goodwill.
Financing is not impossible. Here are some floating systems already in the works:
Attracting Financing
Finance may be attracted by provision (on the buffer fringes, separate from the seastead population), isles for regional/international purposes like the following:
1) cabling and anchorage that will be for open underwater cable transport system. The submersible cable system will take advantage of buoyancy forces for transporting heavy cargo.
2) cargo terminal handling facilities on designated fringe isles related to no. 1 above
3) the strategic location of the seastead nation must give provision for future land bridges to connect the regions
4) sponsored open cities designated as a non-visa/non-duty commercial trade sub-isles similar to Hongkong. It will also be a storefront of materials derived inside the buffer zone such as:
- underwater-sourced minerals and other corrosion-free composite materials
- salt, agar-agar, seafood/fingerlings, hydrophonics farm implements, mahogany lumber etc.
- water related musical instruments and general tools
- water related transport systems and repairs
- deuterium batteries, lighting, liquid oxygen/hydrogen/CO2, pneumatic equipments
- modular home building designs, equipments, materials
5) isles for preservation/seeding, monitoring and sanctuary for certain marine species (like turtles, dolphins, dugongs etc.)
6) open oasis cities designated for resorts/leisure and health centers that specialize in alternative and holistic treatment/therapy using tropical herbs, sounds and frequency healing
7) Open alternative education/science isles that will be a showcase and venue of interchange for scientific discoveries which will be developed inside the buffer zone. It may involve such areas of interest as deuterium, underwater biosphere, plasma, light, sound and frequency sciences. Underwater robotics and space-applicable tech must be researched and then shared here. (The buildup of the seastead nation must at the outset take into account the modular and expandability requirements applicabe to space explorations).
8) If successful with harnessing energy from the sea, the seastead nation can be a seller of excess energy. These energies can be derived from deuterium, wind, waves, geothermal etc. Dingle's or Stan Meyer's design can be made successful here. Also the rising and lowering of sealevel can be an enormous source of energy.
9) Reality updates - media shows and subscriptions for web portals, online underwater web cams/ national sights cctv and online media portals.
10) Development/sharing of robotics, tools and survival capabilities that are geared toward space exploration aspirations of the human race. These capabilities will also be developed by underwater archeology/exploratory application activities.
11) Rescue missions for shipping incidents and other services that will cater to shipping lines.
12) Isles serving as stations or stop-over venues for Supercats, Seaplanes, winged hovercrafts etc.
Do you have any other ideas for the build-up? Please comment so I can include them here.
Next up, I will try to ideate on what systems, money and government can be for this seastead sister country of the Philippines. For now, I will name this nation as the "Federal Amilius Nation".
Subscribe, suggest and keep in touch.