June 29, 2010

Energy: Out of the Box Vista

There are scores of energy alternative solutions that are available currently. But one thing is evident, no single solution can wean the world away from its addiction to oil. Not yet, to say the least. So what we have to take into consideration, is that these alternative solutions, must be combined and infrastructure must be put in place to make them work.

It is imperative for the survival of the planet that businesses take a responsibility in this current conundrum. Since energy consumption is driven by business, not only that carbon footprint in the office must be considered.

The business model for ushering in alternative energy sources in the energy generation must be made easy. Policies and regulations, therefore must be conducive to the creation and interweaving of these energy solutions into the society.

For example, we have various solar and thermal energy solutions currently available. But the current models of generation needs to be paired with a compatible energy storage and delivery systems.

If we consider the cost, compressed air cylinders will be easier than lead acid batteries for storing energy. However, air engines must be made ubiquitous so that these solutions can work together. Air compression may not be that efficient as energy storage, but it's cheap enough to be made as commonplace as the soda bottles (that you can replaced on street corners when you want a refill).

Let's say, a low cost solar heat collector is reworked not just for water heating but for compressing air in cylinders. With easily available air engines, these cylinders can then power home tools. Or using an array of these, even up to light transportation like the air cars can be powered. (see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVAycHr8hVE for an example)

How about air compression mechanism powered by windmills? Or mini train-like tracks connecting buildings were 2-seater electric-air hybrid pods can travel with air braking compressing air back?

Also, Stirling engines in different sizes must be made easily available to encourage people's native ingenuity to harness energy directly within their confines rather than rely on increasingly high electric bills.

For the most part, the government is tasked with these coordination via regulations. But the problem with it, is that most government policy makers stay indoors doing paper works on various models he may not be technically interested at all. - So we end up with dislocated tax incentives and such measures to various solutions.

We have to step away from outright dismissal of deviations to status quo ideations -specially, when it is evident that maintaining stautus quo is heading the planet to a neanderthal reboot.

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